Home Community ZBrush Zbrush for 3d scans

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    I am a biology student, and i am interested in 3d visualisation. My univercity has 3d scanners in one of the lab which students can use. And I an looking for a software that can be used with 3d scans to make good 3d models for further animation and visualisation. I was searching Artec 3d website (it’s manufacturer of scanners I can use), and found an article about “best 3d modeling software”
    But there are no information about possibility to work with 3d scans. I’ve already tried 3ds Max, as we study this software on separate 3d modeling cource i’m taking. But seems it can’t work with such amount of polygons. According of the description Zbrush should be better in this terms. The thing is that it’s quite expencive, and I can ask my univercity to buy it for my cource project (or at least provide me a good discount) so I am looking for people who has already used Zbrush with 3d scans. Or, perhaps any other software.
    Thank you in advance.

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