This tutorial demonstrates beginner-level tools in Adobe Illustrator that support data visualization. We’ll walk through the creation of a poster and the placement of customized data plots, charts, and graphics. The tutorial is parsed so that each chapter tackles a specific tool or function, making it easier to find the topic most relevant to your work. With an emphasis on creating data figures for scientific publication, the topics covered here will give viewers a fundamental understanding of Illustrator and how the program may be used to create and manipulate vector graphics.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn to set-up a new document
- Learn to edit document settings to fit your purpose
- Understand the difference between CMYK and RGB
- Learn to create basic shapes
- Understand how to handle raster and imported images
- Understand the difference between the Selection Tool and Direct Selection Tool
- Manipulate and transform shapes with the Transform Tool and via control points
- Learn to create custom shapes with the Pen Tool
- Learn to use and understand the difference between guides, grids, and rulers
- Learn to use the Text Tool and to manipulate Text Boxes
- Learn and understand the Graph Tools provided in Illustrator
- Learn how to export a file in different formats