
Introduction to Epigenetics (for the Boston Museum of Science)    |    Digizyme

This animation explains how environmental conditions can influence the expression genes. We begin with a simplified view of gene transcription, mRNA synthesis and translation of the corresponding protein. We also observe how epigenetic ‘tags’ (chemical modifications to the DNA) can alter whether or not a gene is expressed.

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Dengue Virus Entry    |    Digizyme, Gaël McGill, Janet Iwasa, Michael Astrachan, XVIVO

A narrated animation depicting the events that lead to Dengue virus entry into a host cell. In particular, rearrangements and conformational changes in the Dengue glycoprotein E are shown. These lead to membrane fusion and subsequent release of the viral payload into the host cell cytoplasm. Created for WGBH.

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Intestinal Crypt Stem Cells – A Clonal Conveyor Belt    |    Digizyme, Eric Keller

This animation, created for Hans Clevers’ lab, shows how the entire surface of the intestine is populated via a “clonal conveyor belt” mechanism. Daughter cells born from stem cells located at the base of the crypts travel up and differentiate, thereby pushing existing cells up towards the villus tip (the oldest cells are jetisoned via apoptosis at the villus tip). Adenoma formation is also shown.

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DNA Nanorobot (Wyss)    |    Digizyme

This animation depicts the structure and function of a drug delivery device created entirely of DNA. The therapeutic payload (in this case antibodies) is protected from the environment until a target protein (in this case PDGF, in green) competes for binding of the aptamer latches and triggers opening of the clamshell-like device.

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